Her ser du dagsorden og referater fra vores møder Dokumenter 2024-11-18 dagsorden.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 Skolebetylsen Mølholm Skole Folkeskolens Kvalitetsprogram.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-04 Faktaark-ny-timetalsmodel-for-folkeskolen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 Folkeskoleudpil.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-04 Faktaark-ny-timetalsmodel-for-folkeskolen_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-10-25 Karakterer i 6. og 7. klasse.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 Implementeringsplan for folkeskolens kvalitetsprogram.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Notat om karaktergivning og effekt.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 Dialogmøde d. 12. november 2024. Dias - samlet fra Ulla Riisberg.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 Principper for skole-hjemsamarbejde.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 Præsentation virtuelt møde om Folkeskolens Kvalitetsprogram med skolechefer 10. oktober 2024.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 Timetalsplan for 2025-26.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 dagsorden og referat.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. 2024-11-18 Principper for skole-hjemsamarbejde_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.